USDA Loan in Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania

Qualified home buyers can buy a home in Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania with a USDA Loan. The Pennsylvania USDA Loan Program is only available in certain geographic areas and is only eligible in areas that the census maps designate as rural. The USDA has zoned Womelsdorf as eligible for the USDA Loan Program.

For information about other areas of Berks County that are eligible for the USDA Loan Program visit the Berks County USDA page.



To check to see if a specific home in the Womelsdorf area is USDA Eligible call 717-745-8380 or email



Benefits of the USDA Mortgage Program

  • USDA Mortgages do not require a Down Payment

  • USDA Mortgages allow the Seller to pay up to 6% of the sales price towards the Buyer’s closing costs

  • USDA Mortgages allow the closing costs to be financed into the loan amount, if the appraised value supports the needed loan amount

  • USDA Mortgages are only offered as 30 year fixed mortgages with no balloon payments or negative amortization

  • USDA Mortgages can be paid ahead of schedule or can be paid off at any time with no prepayment penalties

  • USDA Mortgages are not only offered in rural areas

  • USDA Mortgages are also available in many large towns and suburbs of cities


Berks County USDA Household Income Limits

If your Income exceeds the figures listed here, you may still qualify. The USDA allows for several deductions which may allow your Household Income to fit within their Maximum Adjusted Income Guidelines

If your Income exceeds the figures listed here, you may still qualify. The USDA allows for several deductions which may allow your Household Income to fit within their Maximum Adjusted Income Guidelines

Deductions to reduce your USDA Household Income Calculation

  • $480 for each minor child living in the household

  • $480 for any student living in the household who is not on the mortgage application

  • $400 for each disabled household member who is not on the mortgage application

  • Documented Child Care Expenses for household members under the age of 13

  • Documented Medical/Disability Expenses for household members age 62 or older (this deduction is allowable if the expense exceeds 3% of the household income)